How do you implement coaching culture?

Take time to build trust in the team. Push teams to do remarkable things. Ask good questions to improve performance. As human beings, we tend to make hasty judgments about situations before we have considered all the facts.

Other people notice this and become defensive. However, if you can approach situations with sincere curiosity, the defenses of others will diminish and you'll be able to engage in a much more effective conversation. Commit to making generous assumptions that give people the benefit of the doubt (yes, even the guy who interrupted your traffic this morning). Instead of coming to a negative conclusion when you learn about an issue or conflict, ask yourself questions such as “What else could be causing this?.

Adopting a coaching culture creates a space for teams to address obstacles in new ways. This type of culture encourages people to try new things and supports them if an experiment fails. An environment focused on coaching brings out an innate talent that may have gone unnoticed due to fear of failure or of leaving the comfort zone. This is how a culture of coaching can lead to a culture of excellence.

The culture of coaching can be defined as a work environment where coaching competencies are intertwined with the values of the organization. The workplace becomes a place where coaching skills are learned, wholeheartedly adopted and consistently used across all ranks. Coaching allows people to do their work in a way that feels authentic to them, which makes them more excited about projects and, therefore, more likely to complete them successfully. Only by assigning coaching to strategy and evaluating the metrics that matter to their organization can training program architects get the support they need to move from the presence of coaching to building a strong and impactful training culture.

Don't hesitate to have difficult conversations: while handing out step-by-step training manuals can be a quick way to promote a training culture, it requires much more consideration and work than that. Executives need support, and coaching helps leaders achieve their best personal brand, adapt quickly to the demands of their environment and expand their level of personal impact. This is problematic on a variety of fronts, and coaching has proven to be one of the best ways to address it. A coaching culture improves not only the way employees interact with each other, but also the interactions they have with clients and potential customers.

The interaction between managers, leaders, employees and other key people is unified by the culture of coaching at work. The democratization of coaching is rapidly taking hold because decision makers interested in ROI now see that coaching is by far the best way to develop employees and improve engagement. Creating a coaching culture is important because it is a proven method for organizations to have access to high-impact training and the ROI that it entails without having to pay a high price. The 500 managers collectively reported that the simple coaching conversations were worth the equivalent of 3 million euros, based on the added value of the time saved, the decisions taken, the actions taken, the actions taken, the proposals won and the conflicts managed.

TD Bank Group's testimonials from its training beneficiaries demonstrate the outstanding impact of its program, both individually and throughout the organization. The problem is that executive, leadership and team coaching is perceived as expensive because it involves hiring external coaching professionals (external coaches), so decision makers are looking for the best way to take advantage of the results of training on a large scale without the enormous expenses. So where do human resources fit into all of this? You, who oversee those important business resources called humans, have an incredible opportunity to empower leaders so that they can more effectively inspire others to perform. Instilling a culture of coaching holds great promise: a high-performance environment that holds its staff accountable for obtaining results and, at the same time, fosters a climate of full participation, personal development and mutual support.

The difficulty lies in clearly demonstrating the relationship between coaching activities and the pursuit of mission, vision and strategic objectives. In addition to the cost-effectiveness of having a group of internal coaches, another benefit of internal coaches is that they have first-hand knowledge of the company's culture and the internal workings of the company. .