What is an example of coaching situational leadership?

Leadership through coaching An example of coaching is when a sales manager spends time away from home making calls with a struggling salesperson in an effort to improve performance, or when a new or newly promoted employee is adapting to a certain set of functions. In the situational leadership model, leading is the initial or basic level of leadership style. Nearly all new employees need a more managerial leadership style. They are very formative with little or no experience in their new roles.

In the formative stage, the follower is characterized by low competence and high commitment, the inability to comply, with possible feelings of insecurity. Coaching is for followers who have developed some competence along with greater commitment. The follower is not fully confident in his abilities, but he is succeeding. STYLE 2: SELL, ADVISE or EXPLAIN.

There are many situations where situational leadership is especially appropriate. For example, sports teams often experience changes because team members come and go. This means that the strengths and weaknesses of the entire team are also constantly changing. Therefore, coaches must adapt their leadership strategies, approaches, and methods to varying situations and circumstances.

Compared to other leadership styles, situational leadership is more practical and can be applied in a variety of fields, since that is the nature of its flexibility. Jackson's situational leadership skills are evident when we look at his approach to training some of his best stars. One of the challenges of coaching a team at the university level, as opposed to the professional level, is that the team is constantly changing. There is less “saying” and more “suggesting, which leads to more encouragement, acting as a coach.

For example, a coach who gets new players from different age groups this season must apply situational leadership when deciding what instructions he will give to members of different age groups based on their learning abilities. Patton applied this approach to his leadership style, incorporating many of the most important principles of situational leadership. This type of active situational leadership is important for leading different teams in the best possible way. In 1969, Managing Organizational Behavior by Ken Blanchard and Paul Hershey established the principles of adaptive leadership that would become known as situational leadership.

Situational leadership adopts several leadership styles, such as leading, training, supporting, and delegating. Situational leadership is a type of leadership by which leaders modify their skills to adapt them to current needs. Leaders can learn about an organization's trend of success through situational leadership, since they closely monitor and, at the same time, develop other leadership skills. They pointed out that no single leadership style is appropriate for each situation, so they articulated four styles within the general theory.