What is coach feedback?

Coaching Feedback means asking people to give their opinion to themselves instead of, or before, giving their own. It applies both to positive feedback and to what has been called “learning” or “improvement” feedback (rather than “negative feedback”). I think it's also good practice to ask for feedback on comments to understand how the message is received. This is because people often confuse training with evaluation.

Positive feedback (appreciation) is a reward in and of itself, but it is insufficient to retain the best. We also need sponsorship and promotion to move toward personal professional goals, such as status, visibility, and recognition. The short answer is that it's difficult. I can think of three problems that I have repeatedly noticed, especially around appreciation and training.

First, what usually happens over time is that we start to focus too much on evaluation and less on appreciation and training. This is not the time to set more goals, but to appreciate and recognize more, because that is what makes us double our efforts and restore our energy levels. Second, appreciation may be uncomfortable at first, but it's not a difficult practice to start and maintain. The last issue is about how coaching is underestimated.

This has been my experience so far, including through some field research on high-performing, high-stress environments, such as technology startups and financial services. Coaching doesn't come naturally to everyone, especially for those who invest a lot in our technical acumen. CTO Craft works with CTOs, engineering managers, teams and entire companies to develop strategy and leadership skills through organized and personalized training, mentoring, workshops and training. Having the ability to record and monitor player actions is a big plus for any coach in relation to feedback.

As part of your preparation for a pre-scheduled training session, you will have reviewed your logbook. By providing you with feedback, a coach will explain the positive and negative aspects of your training performance. From this, establish any comments you have given to the Coachee since the last time he spoke about this training topic. It can be used for most factors, however, it can be difficult for a coach to provide feedback on some emotional factors, such as fear and sadness.

For example, “angry coaches who try to get their message across in an irritated way may be causing more harm than good. Thanks to the influence of hormones such as testosterone, having the right motivation and mental state can give you a powerful physical boost, but doing it wrong (like when a coach goes “crazy”) can harm you. Search for “Techniques: Situational Training”, “Tools: Feedback in Training” and “Techniques: AIDA Guidelines for Feedback”. Evaluations are retrospective, so they are performed after assessment, advice and mentoring has been requested and offered on an ongoing basis.

The success of training depends on your feedback to motivate, challenge, direct and support players in their attempt to improve their skills and, ultimately, improve the overall performance of the individual or team. Without training or support, rookie coaches only use a few bad experiences to make things worse and give up because their efforts aren't appreciated. You will continue to follow the feedback method described in “Techniques: AIDA guidelines for feedback” in the toolkit for coaches.