What is positive feedback in coaching?

Positive feedback is a communication tool for changing specific behaviors. It reflects the player's performance. No matter what the performance is (good or bad), a coach can remember the keywords “Praise” and “Encourage”. Praising is what a coach should do when a player is performing well.

Positive feedback is a type of feedback that focuses on strengths, contributions, and value. It reinforces what people do well. I think it's also good practice to ask for feedback on comments to understand how the message is received. This is because people often confuse coaching with evaluation.

Positive feedback (thankfulness) is a reward in and of itself, but it's not enough to retain the best. We also need sponsorship and promotion to move toward personal professional goals, whether of status, visibility, or recognition. The short answer is that it's difficult. I can think of three problems that I have repeatedly noticed, especially in relation to appreciation and training.

First of all, what usually happens over time is that we start to focus too much on evaluation and less on appreciation and training. This is not the time to set more goals, but to appreciate and recognize more, because that is what makes us redouble our efforts and replenish our energy levels. Second, appreciation may be awkward at first, but it's not a difficult practice to start and maintain. The last topic deals with the undervaluation of coaching.

This has been my experience so far, including through some field research on high-performance, high-stress environments, such as technology startups and financial services. Coaching doesn't come naturally to everyone, especially for those who invest a lot in our technical acumen. CTO Craft works with chief technology officers, engineering managers, teams, and entire companies to develop strategy and leadership skills through organized and personalized training, mentoring, workshops, and training. Positive feedback is an important tool for recognizing and reinforcing the strengths and successes of your sales representatives.

It should be given as soon as possible after the behavior or outcome you want to praise, with specific examples or details. Make sure your comments are sincere and authentic, relevant and meaningful, and encouraging and supportive. It should be related to the goals, values, or interests of your sales representatives and explain how their behavior or results have contributed to the team or company. Finally, be sure to show your appreciation and respect, and to encourage them to continue their good work or to take on new challenges.

This can be done by setting SMART goals and tracking their progress, as well as soliciting input from other stakeholders. I was recently excited about someone's evaluation, but I forced myself to ask them for more feedback. For the past two months, you've given this direct report constructive feedback about his communication skills. In addition, use constructive feedback as a learning opportunity for your sales reps to learn from their mistakes or challenges, and use positive feedback as an opportunity for recognition to recognize their achievements or efforts.

Next, provide constructive feedback identifying areas for improvement and offering specific and practical suggestions for improvement.