Unlock Your Potential: How Executive Coaching Helps Leaders Reach Success

For the past three decades, executive coaching has become increasingly popular in the corporate world, as it is seen as a great opportunity for employees to reach their full potential. Recently, when a potential client asked how working with an executive coach would benefit them, it was a great chance to reflect on the positive results of coaching. An executive coach helps leaders identify and achieve professional goals that are aligned with business objectives, while also teaching them new ways of thinking and operating. To be successful, a good executive coach must have strong credentials, including an accredited training certification and a solid track record.

According to a study conducted by the International Coaching Federation, 70% of participants reported improved communication skills in the workplace after training. Coaching is especially important for emerging and high-potential leaders, middle and upper level management, as well as for executives, since each of them has different needs and learning content. The best executive coaches understand the psychological factors that empower and inhibit people. They can help you identify (and correct) your weaknesses and mistakes, while also driving a higher level of performance by improving decision-making skills, increasing interpersonal effectiveness, changing behavior, increasing productivity, improving accountability and helping leaders acquire competencies. A good coach usually has a more neutral and accurate perception of those around you than you do, and will share those insights with you.

Executive coaching is also an effective way for employers to build a succession portfolio of people who are ready to fill higher positions. Before committing to an executive coach, it is important to set up an early meeting between the coach and the candidate to see if they are a good match.